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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 25th of March 2020

Louise Brettell

Rightangled Limited

+44 203950 3394



Rightangled Launches COVID-19 Test

Home-based COVID-19 Test, with 50% subsidised cost for NHS frontline staff



London, Greater London: Rightangled Limited, on the 23rd March, launched a new product - a home-based testing kit for COVID-19. The test is 99% accurate and is delivered straight to the users’ doorstep and offers a way for people to test themselves for COVID-19.


“We launched our COVID-19 test as a measure to assist in the testing process for Public Health England and the NHS front line staff. Over the last 24 hours since launching, we have seen a massive influx in orders coming particularly from NHS doctors and frontline staff who are in need of this test. We are today happy to announce that all orders coming from NHS front liners will be eligible for a subsidised 50% refund” says Abdullah Sabyah CEO at Rightangled Limited.


Features of the COVID-19 Test include;


How it Works

The test kit is delivered to users’ doorsteps and contains an easy-to-use throat collection swab, with a “how to use” guide enclosed in the instruction leaflet. Once the collection is complete and the sample is registered online (through our website), the test kit can then be returned directly to our partner laboratory via the provided pre-paid return box. All kits are equipped with swab buffer and a biohazard bag, the kit box is also labelled with “Priority 20" sticker on top - in line with the published guidelines for sample handling and transportation. 

Partnered Laboratory

The laboratory adheres to high standards of quality assurance, quality controls and biosafety.

Testing Method

The testing method for COVID-19 is a qPCR assay based on the detection of the viral nucleic material (RNA) within the virus. The presence of this nucleic material in a throat swab sample indicates infection, whereas its’ absence indicates a negative result.



The genesig® COVID-19 assay (2019-nCoV) Clinical Performance Evaluation and Inclusivity / Exclusivity Data statement showed after rigorous evaluations by the National Infection Service, Public Health England to have >99% specificity. In addition, an independent clinical evaluation of the assay by an NHS clinical laboratory has found that the test was 100% specific when tested against known positive and negative SARS-CoV-2 clinical samples. 


COVID-19 Test in now available at £199. Frontline NHS staff are eligible to receive subsidised refund of 50% on testing kits. For more information on COVID-19, visit  


About Rightangled Limited: Rightangled is a healthcare provider for screening and diagnostic services, registered and regulated under the Care Quality Commission in England. The company was backed and seed-funded by the West Midlands Academic Health Science Network during its early stage. Rightangled provides its testing services through an innovative online platform that connects its users with healthcare and wellness professionals. The company’s mission is to personalise healthcare, making precision medicine available and affordable.

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